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About Us

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From Farm
to Customers

Jagmul is a platform to connect little farms to a large market.

There are many platforms which connects farms to the market. But all these are for large or midsized farms which deals produce in truckloads. There are no platforms for small farmers who grows vegetables in an acre of land or in their backyard or terrace, does small scale poultry farming, or even fishermen for that matter. Jagmul bridges this gap to allow small scale farmers, to find a market to get their price for their produce. Jagmul is a classified platform, so we don’t take any commissions or cuts from the farmer.
Little farms, especially the home farmers and urban farmers, prefer sell their produce in and around their locality. That’s where Jagmul’s algorithm comes into the picture. Jagmul is a completely location centric app which matches the customers’ needs with the farmers’ produce locally, rather than giving a blanket listing.
Jagmul is a start up by 3 people with a collective experience of 70 years amongst them in the IT, Technology, IT Security, Digital, and Content fields. They bring all their experiences to the table to create a unique platform to help these farmers to get the real due price for their produce so that they live with respect they deserve.

What We Do.

Connecting many little or urban farms which are functioning on the terraces, balconies, or small space to the customers directly, so that they get the right price and the customers get good produce.

Jagmul is a classifieds site exclusively for small scale farmers. So farmers can directly sell to those who require their produce in their locality itself. So they get extra income and customers get fresh goods.

Most importantly, as we are not involved in the sale we don’t charge any commission or fees. Farmers can list their product for free and the buyers can buy it directly with no middle men.


What We Do

Jagmul is a classifieds platform to connect small Read more


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