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Plan & Pricing

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  • Plan & Pricing

Free Plan

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 10 free ads. The subscriber should renew the ads at regular intervals

  • Unlimited Days

  • 10 Ads

Subscription 10

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 10 ads. The valdity of this plan is 60 days

  • 60 Days

  • 10 Ads
* taxes extra

Subscription 15

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 15 ads. The validity of this plan is 75 days

  • 75 Days

  • 15 Ads
* taxes extra

Subscription 20

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 15 ads. The validity of this plan is 90 days

  • 90 Days

  • 20 Ads
* taxes extra

Subscription 25

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 25 ads. The validity of this plan is 105 days

  • 105 Days

  • 25 Ads
* taxes extra

Subscription 40

  • By subscribing to this plan users can publish up to 40 ads. The validity of this plan is 120 days

  • 120 Days

  • 40 Ads
* taxes extra

What We Do

Jagmul is a classifieds platform to connect small Read more


Plans & Pricing

Explore free plans and get attractive paid plans
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Customer Care

[email protected]

Terms & Conditions

Secure Privacy’s customers use the Secure Privacy Cookie Consent Banners to comply with the EU cookie law and the GDPR cookie consent requirements.